Monday, 22 June 2015

Father's Day: Planes, Bicycles, and a Micro-car

"Shawn, are you still looking for another car?"  "Not actively.  Why do you ask?"  "Fellow in the other building just advertised his Ford KA."  "Send me the advert and I'll take a look."  

Such is the consequence of being very weak on the "J" scale of Meyer's Briggs.  I cycled through last winter so I know I can do it again.  We've only got a handful more times where we'll have guests and need to rent a car.  But the discussion happened right before I had to rent a car for the weekend while Kristine and Elise went to Germany.  I called USAA for an insurance quote, ran the numbers, and decided that if the 2003 Ford KA with 70,000 miles ran for another 12 months, I'd have spent about £1000 to (a) not rent when we have guests; (b) have flexibility to drive during the winter instead of cycle; (c) let Kristine have the car during the summer when the girls are off school; and (d) have a car when we're in temporary housing and my bike is in the container on its way back to the US.  That's how my Father's Day gift this year unexpectedly became a new (to me) car.  I told Kristine that for as long as I've been too tall to fit in small cars, I've dreamt of owning one.  In the US, utility always trumps ideology.  The small car is never going to happen.  So this is really my once-in-a-lifetime chance.  Yes, the Ford KA lacks the cool factor of something like a Mini Cooper.  For the fun factor of squeezing my 6'5" frame into it, though, it does just fine.  An unexpected benefit was having the car when I came down with a nasty ear infection over Father's Day weekend, which left me in no shape to cycle for the following week.  It was a blessing to drive without causing hassles for Kristine (who needed the Golf several days since she'd been out of town the previous weekend).

Ayup, Shawn.  How's things?  I've just been to see a colleague about a KA.  Not for yourself, surely?  Actually, yes.

It is properly small.  I can actually pull it up between the house and the fence.

You've got to come see this new car!  It's awesome!  Entertaining the girls was not an envisioned benefit of having the car, but I'll take it.
Charis and Clare did a bang-up job helping me celebrate Father's Day.  We went out for breakfast at the Melbourne Tea Rooms on Saturday, followed by a hike in the woods behind the pool (not the pond, as I've been gently reminded by my Melbourne friends).  Clare gave me a special treat Sunday afternoon when we went down to the cycle track.  After a little encouragement, she successfully rode her bike without training wheels (something like "stabilisuhs" if I try to capture Clare's phonetic homage to Peppa Pig).

Starting the walk at the Melbourne Pool.

We are slowly getting into the routine that says Wellies accompany any walk when there is rain.

Father's Day slumber party.  The girls got the parental bed, and I got a mattress on the floor.

She's off!

With trademark Clare smile to show for it

Proudly displaying my Father's Day gift.  This chain took them the better part of Saturday to put together.

We finished the day with a couple rounds of UNO.  Despite her gentle nature, Charis insisted on beating me a couple times.
Meanwhile, Kristine and Elise enjoyed their time in Germany.  Kristine said it felt more like seeing actual family life, and less like the tourist-oriented trip than our visit last August.

Obstacle course at Saturday school.
Teeter-totters need no translation
Nor do slides

German countryside around Bad Boll, where Kristine and Elise went

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